Taner Orgur

Taner Orgur

Taner Ongur

Bass player of the classic Anatolian Rock band

I was born in Fatih, Istanbul in 1949. From 1963 until 1965 I worked with my first band: ‘Volkanlar’ (volcanoes). Between 1965 and 1967 I was a member of the band ‘Okan Dinçer & Kontrastlar’. During a tour in 1967, I also worked with the band ‘Erkin Koray quartet’.

In 1969 I joined the band Moğollar. Then during 1975/76 I worked with Cem Karaca and the Dervişan band.  After my military service in 1977 I went to Germany in 1979. Once there, I joined a band called Baba. After having lived in Germany for almost 10 years I returned to Turkey and started working as a sound engineer in a studio. After this period, we have re-established our band Moğollar in 1993, and we are still up and running!

Taner Ongur


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