The band “Moğollar” one of the founders of Anatolian Psychedelic rock music in Turkey will be at 29 february 2020 in Effenaar Eindhoven – Holland together with the band Makas.
At the end of the 60s, music bands in Turkey got inspired of rock music from the US and Europe. After that it was not a surprise that bands in Turkey combined and experimented with traditional Turkish music and Western music instruments and sounds. And shortly after that Anatolian rock music was born! Anatolian rock music has brought many great musicians as Barış Manço, Erkin Koray and Cem Karaca, with which Moğollar has also collaborated.
The Anatolian rock band Makas is also inspired by these legends. In 2017 Makas already shared the stage with Moğollar and now they will again share the stage and give you the best of Anatolian rock!
This project was made possible in part by the Proeftuinen, Effenaar and the MAKAS Foundation.